Saturday, October 5, 2013

A great So. Cal Pro-Israel event coming soon

Anaheim Hills, CA - Standing With Israel on November 11, 2013
Influence Church
Standing with Israel

Christians United For Israel invites you to
a Standing 
With Israel Event.

Monday, November 11, 2013 - 7:00 PM

Influence Church
8131 East Kaiser Blvd
Anaheim Hills, CA 92808

Keynote Speaker:
Sgt. Benjamin Anthony
Benjamin Anthony 2

Sgt. Benjamin Anthony (IDF. Res.), is a combat veteran and reservist in
the Israel Defense Forces. Specializing as a heavy machine gunner, Sgt. Anthony
has taken a front line role in several of Israel's most recent campaigns to defend its citizens in the face of new age terrorist activity. He has served in large operations
both within and beyond Israel's borders. Since his release from full time service,
Sgt. Anthony has effectively sought to bring the proud truth of Israel's soldiers
from the front lines of combat to the English speaking world, wherever and
whenever audience is granted.  A graduate of the University of Manchester, UK,
and a believer in the importance of clear communication, Sgt. Anthony brings a message addressing Israel’s unparalleled ethics on the battle field and the realities
of Israel’s duty to defend her citizens.

Presented  by
Christians United For Israel

If you are able, please attend to show our Christian solidarity.
If you are unable to attend this event or you would like to do more to support Israel, then please sign the Israel pledge. Your name will be joined with thousands of others from across the country and presented to our elected officials in Washington DC to encourage them to continue to support Israel.
Sign The Israel Pledge
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
8131 East Kaiser Blvd
Anaheim Hills, CA 92808


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